Thursday, October 30, 2014

The war for the scarce consumers' attention

Last week the digital marketing guru, Mitch Joel came as guest speaker in our E-commerce class. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Marketing Association. Mitch has advised many important companies such as Walmart, Starbucks, Procter and Gamble and Unilever.

According to Mitch, now that companies are making extensive use of internet and social media to connect with consumers, many senior executives say they feel they’re “in hell”. Why? The fact is that every single stakeholder (brands, sub-brands, retailers) is asking their customers to connect with them in social media channels, so the competition for attention is fierce.  More importantly, not only companies have the power to reach millions of people through media channels, now anybody can do it.

To illustrate this, the Mitch gave the extraordinary example of Bethany Mota, a YouTube “personality” who has gained the attention of more than 7 million subscribers on YouTube and other few millions in other social media channels by talking about teenager’s banalities. The most interesting part is that all this success could permeate the digital stage and some companies actually used it in their favor. For example, Aeropostale asked Bethany to design a clothes line that was sold out short time after it was released.

This is a great example of the importance of trying to deeply understand the consumer in order to talk to them in a way and with a message that can create a connection, obtain their attention and ultimately, their purchases. 

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