Thursday, October 23, 2014

Key differences between Alibaba and Amazon

While Alibaba is successfully entering the US, Amazon is making efforts to expand in the profitable Chinese ecommerce market.
Both companies are leaders in their home markets, offer a wide variety of products to be bought online and have a big customer base and top level data infrastructure. However there are some big differences between both companies:
-       Type of operation: Alibaba operates an “open marketplace” that connects buyers and sellers. It doesn’t sell anything directly nor have any warehouses. Amazon operates a “managed marketplace”, selling most of their products directly and owning distribution centers. It even manufactures some of the products. In consequence, Alibaba has much higher margins than Amazon (~40% vs. ~1%) but the latter has a better reputation in customer service because it controls most of its processes.
-       Competitive advantage: Alibaba’s competitive advantage in the Chinese market is given by its understanding of the Chinese consumer and its mastery of the “intricacies of Chinese regulations” and how to work with governments. Amazon’s competitive advantage in Western markets is given mainly mastering logistics and supply chain management. Both would have a hard time trying to acquire the needed capabilities in each other’s home markets.
-       Scale: In 2014 Alibaba has 24,000 employees while Amazon has 88,400 (almost 4 times more). In 2013 Alibaba’s revenue was $7.95 billion and Amazon’s was $7.95 billion -almost 10 times more. This is given in big part by their type of operation.    

Business Insider.

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