Friday, November 28, 2014

Learnings from Managing Ecommerce

This is the final required post for the Managing Ecommerce course. However, I liked 

writing a blog so I’ll continue. I don’t consider myself tech savvy or having that natural 

tendency to keep up-to-date with technology, but I’m conscious of its increasingly huge 

importance and that was the main reason for taking this course. 

Doing research for this blog, allowed me to catch up on current trends such as Apple 

Pay, Shopify and Alibaba, and share it with that anonymous audience of 179 people 

that Internet allowed me to reach. After all, technology is not something you learn 

once; you need the curiosity to keep learning by yourself as it evolves. I 

developed that curiosity attending the classes and writing these posts.

Even though as future managers and entrepreneurs we will probably rely on experts to 

take care of the IT aspect of the business, it is extremely necessary to know the tools 

that are available and the basic functioning of them. This allows you–at the very 

least—to know what questions to ask. (I’ll put in italics some of the most important 

concepts I learned and if you’re still not familiar with them, you should definitely 


Knowing the basics behind the “magic” of the Internet (client-server model, HTTP, 

TCP/IP, gateways); the use of some IT business tools (CRM, ERP, Open source 

software, Cloud computing, BI); and how to protect yourself against the risks involved 

with the dependence on technology (firewalls, BCP and DRP), gave me the high-level 

understanding on how to take better decisions about which tool to use.

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