Wednesday, September 17, 2014

To put you in context

Indeed the main reason for starting this blog is as a requirement of a new marketing course I’m taking this semester as part of my MBA at McGill University, called Managing E-commerce. But I thought that it’d actually be a great opportunity to join those 6.7 million people who publish blogs on blogging websites[i]. A huge number right? That’s just another sign of the reason why I picked that course: Online is the new way and everybody knows it.

The idea is to share concepts covered in our class. However, since this is going to be my first and maybe only blog (at least until I finish my time consuming MBA while working at the same time), I decided to add a personal touch to it and take this first entry as an introductory one (and I hope the professor Pano Xinos -who’s teaching the course and will be evaluating the content- finds that ok!).

Last class we had an outstanding guest speaker. His name’s Alistair Croll. He has been involved in the online/technology world since 1993, has been part of 16 companies/initiatives (according to his LinkedIn page), and in 2013 wrote a book along with Ben Yoskovitz called Lean Analytics (which I plan to buy ASAP).

I don’t have more space to explain some of the main takeaways of his presentation (these blog entries have a limit of 250 words) so I will do it next week.

[i] The Nielsen Company, “Buzz in the blogosphere: Millions more bloggers and blog readers”, 09/17/14 

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